Agent of repair shipyards in Spain

We work as an agent for Spanish repair shipyard Astican, Astander.

They do the overall repair work needed when domestic shipping companies ship to Europe.

Tel: +82-51-862-3939 |  Fax: +82-51-861-1226 


Address: No.802, Byucksan e-Centum Class One. 99 Centum Dong-Ro, Haeundae-Gu, Busan, 48059, Republic of Korea

Translated by Michael van Adrichem

Copyright ⓒ OCEAN ENTEC Co., Ltd.

Tel: +82-51-862-3939 |  Fax: +82-51-861-1226 


Address: No.802, Byucksan e-Centum Class One. 99 Centum Dong-Ro, Haeundae-Gu, Busan, 48059, Republic of Korea

Translated by Michael van Adrichem

Copyright ⓒ OCEAN ENTEC Co., Ltd.